Friday, August 6, 2010

What's In A Name?

I am a plant snob.  At least that's what a friend of mine jokingly calls me.  She calls me that because I often use the botanical names of plants, rather than the common names.

Looking Through the Leaves

The window at my kitchen sink is the window that I look out more than any other window in my house.  For the longest time, the view out of this window was probably the least attractive of any view from any other window. 

Thursday, August 5, 2010


The first time I ever heard a fellow gardener refer to some of her plants as "IBM's", I wondered when IBM Corp. had branched out, so to speak, into the world of floriculture.  I couldn't wait to see what strange new offerings she had, and I was already plotting the most understated manner in which to convince her to offer me a few cuttings or divisions.  A little further into our conversation, it became clear that IBM simply stood for "I've Been Moved."

It seems that if there is one thing all dyed-in-the-wool gardeners have in common, it's the tendency to move our plants about from one location to another in our landscapes. 

Devotional writings and plant photography for gardeners and plant lovers

During my times with dirty hands, I've learned many of my life's most memorable lessons. Weeding, dead-heading, pruning, mulching, planting; these are the times when I am most likely to hear that still, small voice revealing a simple, yet profound truth, always in an analogy of what I'm doing with the plants or the soil. Those truths have changed the way in which I live my life, the manner in which I relate to my family, the way I view the lives of others, and especially my relationship with God.

I hope to share some of my favorite stories, revelations, blessings, memories, and photos of my plants through this blog.

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends its roots out by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; it's leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8