The coldest part of winter has just passed. I haven't seen many signs of life in my garden for a couple of months. Now that the weather is beginning to warm somewhat I'm itching to get outside and dig in the dirt. But at the moment all I can do is gaze out the window and dream of Spring and the gardening I plan to do when the weather is right... or I can start to formulate a plan.
By formulating a plan, I mean planning my plant purchases... getting ready to buy. If you have ever ordered anything from a business that sells plants, or even anything plant-related, you have more than likely landed on a dozen or more mailing lists. Plant catalogs are arriving in your mailbox right about now in a steady stream. Maybe it's your e-mail inbox that being innundated. At any rate, the plant businesses know that we're all working ourselves into a buying frenzy.
As a rule, when I think of putting more plants into my beds or borders, I usually don't find myself considering purchasing more of what I already have. If I wanted more of the same, all I would have to do is dig and divide. I want something new. I want something different. I want something that my fellow gardeners don't have (and that they will envy). So I peruse the pages of the printed materials and surf the web to find anything with those magical words "New and Improved!"
Zinnia 'Cascade Beauty' - Trailing Zinnia |
Devotional writings and plant photography for gardeners and plant lovers
During my times with dirty hands, I've learned many of my life's most memorable lessons. Weeding, dead-heading, pruning, mulching, planting; these are the times when I am most likely to hear that still, small voice revealing a simple, yet profound truth, always in an analogy of what I'm doing with the plants or the soil. Those truths have changed the way in which I live my life, the manner in which I relate to my family, the way I view the lives of others, and especially my relationship with God.
I hope to share some of my favorite stories, revelations, blessings, memories, and photos of my plants through this blog.
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends its roots out by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; it's leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8